New challenges

Due to continuous medical treatment and ongoing medical care, children have enjoyed good health and normal physical development.

And while the disease was still an important aspect of their lives, it was no longer the focal point. Instead, their minds were occupied with the normal problems that affect many adolescents. Like most young people their age in Romania, they are focused on relationships, the acceptance from peers and finding their own identities. Some have gone through this transition better than others.

Contents medical and psychosocial programs had to move quickly to meet new needs of patients, the first focal point and diagnosis was unveiling its acceptance, but now appeared new topics. These related to anatomical changes during adolescence, love, relationships, sexuality and self esteem. As the patients grew, the parents must also be supported to accept the fact that it was time to let them become more independent and experience life alone. And that was a challenge, but it turned into a lesson for each individual family.

A large and somewhat unexpected problem as the children grew was that of adherence to their treatment against HIV. It's hard to believe that these young people might forget or neglect to take their medications for their health. However, recent data indicate that Baylor 90% of patients with detectable viral levels at the center of Constanta have difficulty with adherence to treatment.

Councillors should also learn to treat these young people as part of a couple. Child psychologists and social workers had to change their attitudes and goals focusing on torque rather than the individual, sometimes including couples in which only one or both partners were infected with HIV. The entire interdisciplinary team had to learn to do this route and can adjust their working methods, as in couple counseling bring new aspects such as diagnosis disclosure to partner, partner's infection prevention, pregnancy (planned or unwanted), financial independence, acceptance failures, etc..

Unfortunately, the rate of unwanted pregnancies and transmission of HIV infection indicate that, in some cases, prevention programs have failed. Internal reports Baylor Black Sea Foundation indicate that in 2007 there were 36 unwanted pregnancies in the first ten months of 2008 there were 27 pregnancies. In 2008, seven persons were recorded positive seroconversion while the partner was infected with HIV.

The transition to adulthood has brought other problems. To learn how to find and keep a job, helping patients to overcome their own fears and follow their dream, and to persuade patients to follow treatment DIFC and remain under care clinic, in spite of geographical mobility could occur the acquisition of new jobs and family.

It meant becoming increasingly clear that some patients infected with HIV failures were not due to defects of character, but disability community, including high levels of stigma and human rights violations (such as birth of children or sexual freedom), failure prevention and education risk reduction for young uninfected, inefficient screening systems in the community and lack of communication between the institutions should make references and provide protection.